Obviously, as a consultancy organisation, we operate on a trusted basis to our clients. However in this day and age, trust is sometimes not enough - there has to be some regulation in place.
We promise we will never abuse or misuse your information, though what does that mean?
So here's our Privacy Notice :
Andy Stokes Consulting Limited and its employees (collectively 'ASC'), certify and undertake that:
Individual data that we store about you:
Will only ever consist of:
Your Name
Your Position
Your e-mail address(es)
Your Employers Address
Your Telephone Numbers - this may include a personal number.
That such data will only ever consist of information that is:
Supplied to us from you directly and which we believe is publicly available or which you intend for us to be able to use..
Such information will only be stored, and used, for the purposes of facilitating direct and specific communication between us.
We undertake that your data will not be subject to any data processing, other than that required to facilitate business between us (for example, inclusion in communication or invoice production).
You information will never be used for any form of bulk processing.
When we believe that we no longer have need to be in any form of direct and specific communication with you, your data will be deleted.
The information will be stored in a basic contact management directory only (for example Microsoft Outlook or in a telephony contact list) which is known by us to be in a secured environment.
Your information details will never be provided to third parties, with the exception that:
As a matter of legitimate interest, we may provide your details (per 1a above only, though excluding personal telephone numbers) to someone else who we genuinely believe to be proven to know you and for purposes which we believe will be of benefit to you.
As a matter of policy we never seek to obtain bulk information from third parties (contact, marketing lists etc.) for the purposes of marketing.
We will also never use the information (per 1a above) for generic marketing purposes.
You may request to obtain details of the information we hold about you by using the 'Contact Us' Link above.
You may also use the same link in order to request us to delete the information we hold about you.
In the case that you, as a private individual, have any form of non-business relationship with an employee of ASC:
We certify that in such a circumstance then only the information per 1a above will ever be used in a business context.
ASC may, from time to time and in the course of business, obtain access to information appertaining to client employees and contacts. Where such access exists then we undertake that such information:
Will always remain in a secured environment.
Only be accessed and processed for specified and agreed purposes.
Never be disclosed to any third party.
Destroyed as soon as is practicable.
Be treated in accordance with any specific arrangements between us, and in particular any Non-Disclosure Agreements between us.